
When it comes to the health and well-being of our little ones, choosing the right paediatric hospital is of paramount importance. We at Doren Specialist Hospital are widely recognised as being exceptional in providing top-notch paediatric care. We are known for our expertise, compassionate care, advanced technologies, highly skilled paediatricians, nurses, support staff and comprehensive services. Our services include routine check-ups, vaccinations, emergency care, and specialized treatment for various paediatric conditions.

At Doren Specialist Hospital, the child is always first. Our commitment has touched the lives of many and will continue to touch many more. We remain committed to a frontline hospital you can depend on for your child’s health in the areas of preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care.
Our facilities are up-to-date, and we strive to meet international standards.
We have an excellent team of pediatricians, medical and other health care personnel with outstanding qualifications and longstanding professional experience.