Accident And Emergency

Doren Specialist Hospital’s Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit is a critical component of the healthcare facility, dedicated to providing immediate medical attention to individuals who require urgent care due to accidents, emergencies, or sudden illness. As a trusted healthcare provider, Doren Specialist Hospital has established a reputation for its comprehensive medical services and highly skilled medical professionals. The A&E unit at Doren Specialist Hospital is renowned for its commitment to delivering timely and life-saving care to patients in their most vulnerable moments. Our hospitals are positioned along the expressway In Lagos and operate 24-hour service. By this, we constantly receive accident cases. Our ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY rooms are well-equipped to deal with emergencies. We see road traffic, domestic, and industrial accident cases as well as patients with 70% burn surface of their skin. Doren Specialist Hospital’s Accident & Emergency unit stands as a pillar of strength within the healthcare system, offering rapid and life-saving care when individuals need it most. Through its patient-centric approach, state-of-the-art facilities, expert medical team, and commitment to community outreach, the A&E unit exemplifies the highest standards of emergency medical care. Doren Specialist Hospital’s A&E unit continues to serve as a beacon of hope, providing reassurance to the community and saving lives in times of crisis.